“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” -Leonard Cohen
This section used to contain a lengthy version of my story before I let God fully into my life. It was a long, drawn out version of how I was hurt and how much of a victim I was due to life circumstances that seemed out of my control. But the truth is, that sharing this version didn’t bring me any comfort, healing, nor did it really grow and create the community I desired in my heart.
A number of serendipitous events that started the summer of 2023 made me reevaluate the way in which I had been living my life in a way I had never before. It caused me to stop in my tracks, stop creating content, and reevaluate “my story”. In this process I decided that I was focusing way too much on the before, when the real meaningful part was just emerging out of an incredibly lengthy 20 years in the dark.
God has humbled me, heard my agonizing cries, and saved me from the grips of my ego right as I was about to go over the edge of a cliff as Mary in The Chosen by offering me salvation through the teachings of Jesus Christ and through a spiritual community at an incredible church.
For someone who studied Eastern religion/philosophy and yoga for over 10 years with little to no improvement in my internal wellbeing, I am as surprised as I feel blessed to have been shown the way back home.
Not through religious indoctrination or false promises/teachers but through the TRUE teachings of God, the great I AM presence, which are of love and forgiveness.
While I still value and deeply appreciate the wisdom of the Eastern traditions and teachings, I now see them in a new light and will use this new perspective to expand my work accordingly.
As the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God, restores my body, mind, and soul I will be given the right words to speak of my story in full. Or perhaps use this as a place to share the teachings that truly saved my life.

I AM worth it.
YOU ARE worth it.
Taking time out to get to know your inner self is a necessary part of life BECAUSE GOD DWELLS IN YOU.
And where God is there is peace. This is who you realy are.
I hope that, by sharing MY experiences AND OFFERING GUIDANCE THROUGH MY WORK, I am able to help those wanderers and seekers like myself.
With Love & Light,
M.S. Immunology & Microbial Pathogens | B.S. Neuroscience, B.S. Religion
Thomas Jefferson University | Dickinson College
Certified Yoga Teacher | Yoga School of Embodied Poetics